Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Indiegogo Introduces Amazing CO2 Based Product For Renewable Energy

Princeton, NC; 18, August 2015: Rod Nelson was never formally educated, instead earning the majority of his education in mining and construction. After 60 years of hard work, the 84 year old has become an entrepreneur with a process that will reduce electric bills to nothing. That’s correct…zero cost for electricity. The system can also reduce CO2 emissions in autos, trucks and most importantly, heavy equipment and manufacturing.

Rod Green Power

“I have always loved my country, and the freedoms America provides to all. It has been a long dream to give back to the country that has done so much for me,” said Rod Nelson, inventor and owner of Rod Green Power.

The group has patented the process, and along with assistance from Johnston County Community College and TarHeel Tooling & Precision Machining, they have found the perfect answer to the issues that plague the world today. They believe this process will lead to an end of climate change, threats of nuclear war, terrorism and rising gas prices while at the same time giving the world renewable energy. If energy was visible you could watch 80% of your gas dollars flowing out your exhaust pipe.

“This may sound like Utopia and unobtainable, but we strongly believe it can happen,” said Nelson.

Nelson's engine harnesses CO2 and converts the gas into electrical energy. This means a virtually unlimited supply of clean, natural electricity from a natural process. Their YouTube video has the prototype and shows the engine in action.

“We have proven it works. The issue now is getting the parts up to commercial quality and standards. What we have now will not power a home or run a vehicle. We have to use the best possible metals machined to very precise and exacting measurements. What we must have is very expensive,” said Nelson.

Nelson and his team are looking for help from the crowdfunding community and manufacturers. Using the Indiegogo site, they are looking for backers who believe in the power of natural energy and realize the vision Nelson wants to share with the world.

“The return a backer will make is exponentially greater than the investment. The savings in only the first few months on the electricity bill will be enough to offset the contribution. The more a backer contributes, the more likely the project will see mass production,” said Nelson.

Nelson has a website for the project and the Indiegogo site. Visit http://igg.me/at/co2greenelectricity/x/8214331 to learn more about how you can help revolutionize the energy industry.

About Rod Green Power:

Rod Nelson and his company began work 10 years ago on a technology that addresses Global warming, energy independence and is environmentally sound, simple and cost effective. The company has applied for patents and was issued two after close scrutiny by the U.S. Patent Office, who initially declared that there was nothing new in the internal combustion engine. They finally had to agree that the new technology was unique and issued the patents. A third patent was award in 2013, assuring greater versatility.

For Media Contact:
Person Name: Rod Nelson
Company: Rod Green Power
Phone: 919-734-4845
Email Id: pegisist@earthlink.net
Website: www.rodgreenpower.net

Social Media Links:
Indiegogo Campaign: http://igg.me/at/co2greenelectricity/x/8214331
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pegisist
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/RODGREENPOWER

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