14, June 2015: The Zeus Age Video Extravaganza is drawing to an end, and we’d like to look back at everything that has happened in the last couple of months.
First and foremost, we filmed our major videos! Filming took a full 16 hour day. The crew woke up bright and early to get themselves to the first set at 8:00 a.m., ate their breakfasts, and we started work.
Victory! Was the first film, located in a spooky-looking abandoned warehouse. Our actors and crew were brave though, and we had quite a few laughs.
After 4 hours of filming, the crew moved to the next set, Proficient City’s very own offices. We lugged along our chainsaw and started destroying stuff.
At 7:00 p.m. we headed to the final set, a quaint little apartment in a nearby town. Here we filmed ‘Family’, which one of our very own staff members starred in. Don’t worry, we think he looked ridiculous as well.
First and foremost, we filmed our major videos! Filming took a full 16 hour day. The crew woke up bright and early to get themselves to the first set at 8:00 a.m., ate their breakfasts, and we started work.
Victory! Was the first film, located in a spooky-looking abandoned warehouse. Our actors and crew were brave though, and we had quite a few laughs.
After 4 hours of filming, the crew moved to the next set, Proficient City’s very own offices. We lugged along our chainsaw and started destroying stuff.
At 7:00 p.m. we headed to the final set, a quaint little apartment in a nearby town. Here we filmed ‘Family’, which one of our very own staff members starred in. Don’t worry, we think he looked ridiculous as well.
After all the excitement of a professional filming, we decided to have some fun - a couple of our employees made themselves some of the worst cosplay you’ll ever see. It’s amazing the quality of video you can get with an iPhone, though.
A few of our players also tried their hands at cosplay, and did a much better job than our staff.
We also had some employees and players show off their Photoshop skills by dressing up our video’s characters and even their own pets! At least we hope they Photoshopped the hamster.
While all this excitement was happening, the techies were hard at work on a new version, which included all new characters and the new ‘Ancient’ battle mode. There’s plenty more updates to come, and we’re always improving the game, so keep on playing!
Our social media staff also had some fun with contests. Players guessed which of a group of characters was the real one, others got their friends to play Zeus Age, and we reached 22,000 Likes on Facebook.
We truly appreciate everyone who participated in our extravaganza! We loved seeing your costumes, we’re glad you watched our videos, and we look forward to a lot more exciting Zeus Age events!
Thanks for playing, everyone!
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Zeus Age Google Play Download Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.proficientcity.zeusage
Zeus Age App Store Download Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id924370263/id924370263?mt=8
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